Saturday, 25 December 2010

Merry Fucking Winterval

Although, seeing as this post is rather late into the night, I hope you’ve had a merry implausible birth day. I hope that you’ve got sufficiently pissed, enjoyed Doctor Who, laughed at the ridiculousness of the Queen’s speech this year, and stuffed yourself so full that tomorrow’s toilet session is going to hurt.
More importantly, I hope that you have enjoyed your time with your family. That’s all I can really say about that, I hope you make up the rest.
My issue with Christmas is twofold. First and foremost, it can be accurately be summed up by the following image:

(Yes, there is some degree of lulz to that statement).
Secondly, it is the way the press report that Christmas is being diminished by a holiday, to be banned by people who don’t have the authority to ‘ban’ anything, all in favour of tolerating other people’s cultures. The main manifestation of this is the Winterval myth.


The Winterval myth is something that has been annoying Birmingham City Council workers ever since its conception: a month long celebration to promote a wide variety of events, all with the idea to create one large, generic campaign. This was dubbed Winterval. It happened in 1998.
I want to get this out in the open now. Winterval did not replace Christmas. Primly Stable has evidence of this. See how large ‘Christmas’ appears on that brochure, with respect to the positioning and the size of the Winterval logo?
This hasn’t stopped politicians, journalists, far-right groups of football hooligans and even the Fucking Pope from turning this into an outright attack on Christianity itself. Once this ball is rolling, references can be made to other stories (“it’s like WInterval all over again!”), casually building up into a loony left politically-correct muslim-friendly health and safety-mad Christmas-hating wheely-bin stealing bunch of council workers who give everyone benefits.
It’s truly shocking how these things snowball.

There Is Another Way

So, you have a choice. You can take the red pill, and follow DiCaprio:

To begin the fight against this bullshit that is blighting our society, I highly recommend reading Kevin Arscott’s (Angry Mob) Winterval essay in its entirety.
As well as Angry Mob and Primly Stable, I’d also recommend following these blogs on a regular basis:
Merry fucking Winterval!

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